
Privacy Policy

When you download and use the Brinja App, we collect personal information and data concerning you as a user. This is done to enable increased safety for you and your co-workers.

We always strive to collect as little data as possible. Data is not saved longer than necessary, and is deleted when it is no longer needed to provide the app's functionality.

If you have any questions regarding the processing of personal data, please contact us.

Responsible Party for Personal Data

Brinja AB (559079-2197)
Falkenbergsgatan 3

Contact Information

Validity and Updates

Updates to the policy takes place on an ongoing basis and is published on this page.

Latest Update

The privacy policy was updated 2021-01-25.

What Information is Collected and Why?

We collect a number of different data with the aim of increasing safety of the user.

Phone Number

We save the user's phone number to simplify the login process for the user.

The phone number is used to send login codes to the user.

The phone number is used to send notifications to the user's phone in case of emergencies or alarms.

If you use the app as a supervisor or project manager, your phone number is shared with other project members. This is to give employees the opportunity to contact you in the case of a workplace incident.


When you register, we save your name.

This is used to let an evacuation manager mark you as safe or help you in an evacuation or emergency.

Names are also used to enable a project owner to see which people are registered in the project they administer.

E-mail Address

The user has the opportunity to register their e-mail address in the app. This is used to export sensor data.

Project Affiliation

When you register for a project, information about your project affiliation is saved. The information is used to know which people are on site during an evacuation or emergency.

Administrative Functions

When you use certain parts of the app as a supervisor, you have access to administrative functions; for example, adding employees to the project. For these administrative functions, log data is saved in order to enable traceability and improve the app's security.

Performance and Crash Reports

To facilitate development and offer a good product, we collect data about your phone's operating system and crash reports in the event of software errors.

Access to the Device's Function and Data

Location Data

Location data is only used in the case of an emergency or evacuation. This is to speed up the evacuation process and potentially save lives.

In an emergency, location data is used to determine if the user is currently in a hazardous area. The person in charge of evacuation only has access to information if the person is inside the evacuated area or not.

Data is stored for 60 days to enable training or improvement of evacuation routines.


The camera is used to read QR codes to facilitate project registration.

The camera is activated only when you enter the mode for scanning QR codes.

Who Gets Access to the Personal Data?

We do not share any data with third parties.

Where Do We Store the Data?

We store personal data within the EU/ESS.

Your Rights

You have a number of rights regarding data that we save about you. If you want to use these, you must prove your identity. You can do this by visiting our office and identifying yourself, or sending an email with a valid photo ID to the contact address provided at the beginning of this document.

See Which of Your Personal Information We Have Saved

You can find out what personal information we have stored about you.

Delete Your Data

You can request that personal data be deleted from our systems.

Correct Incorrect Data

You have the right to have incorrect personal data corrected. This can in many cases be done by yourself in the app, or by contacting us.